How To Make Homemade Carp Baits Expertly!

By Tim Richardson

You want to catch as many big fish as possible right; so there are very exciting bait substances, fish senses, and vital energy and metabolism clues to help you attract bags and bags more big fish to your hooks! Far too many anglers ask themselves the wrong questions about fishing and baits that really are not that important! So begin by thinking more like a fish instead of an angler and get much better at asking yourself the most productive questions that bring success!

To begin with, when thinking about bait, why begin with the bait itself? Why not begin with the fish and what they are most sensitive to? When you know and understand what fish are sensitive to you have so much power over them. You can manipulate bait substances and exploit (and even condition) various fish senses against them to make them easier to catch!

The majority of carp anglers in the UK and some other countries where carp fishing has become so commercialised, are dependant on expensive readymade carp boilies, pellets etc. You could say that the bait companies just want that trend to continue so they can extract as much money out of you as possible - after all, making customers dependant on products is one of the prime goals of those wanting to make big money but that gives them a huge amount of power over you which perhaps not too many of us can afford these days! When the price of readymade baits is the deciding factor in being able to afford to catch a few fish or even go fishing, you have to begin to wonder about making your own bait at vastly less cost with the chance to catch even more fish using your own baits with all the enormous satisfaction that brings!

Why allow someone else to decide your fishing budget when you can do it yourself and save an absolute fortune?! Whether your readymade baits cost you 5 pounds or 12 pounds a kilogram you can undercut and vastly reduce this cost and still out-fish all those popular readymade baits - when you have found the best information how to do it; that is where I come in! You really need to know the most vitally important details of fish senses and how to best exploit these in order to achieve the most bites, by using the various combinations of ingredients, special compounds, liquid foods, flavour components, oils and some extremely irresistible factors within your baits.

Avoiding bait making mistakes can be avoided by learning from others who have the long experience over the years to refine their knowledge and bait making methods, thinking and insights etc. My 34 years of homemade carp bait making has gone through many changing levels of experience, feedback and changing awareness but well over 80 percent of all my homemade baits have caught from at least the first cast and mistakes are really only priceless feedback towards even better baits! Certain carp waters demand specific bait alterations because no water or fish stock or ecosystem is necessarily identical, and it is very important to know how to out-fish competing baits by leverage of unique bait substances to achieve extra edges over them in many ways.

Bait-making beginners usually make the most common mistake of falling into the trap of thinking like an angler and relying on personal judgements and opinions about bait substances and flavours to formulate baits instead of starting off with the fish themselves (which is obviously where the true power is!) Avoid limiting your bait success by getting to know your fish very well indeed inside and out! By focussing on the fish in the first instance and not on bait substances you will be thinking like a carp and be able to get the edge over the majority who merely think like anglers.

Certain bait substances do necessarily not work on their own in water and need a bait carrier substance with which they can work synergistically to bring forth their most potent impacts on fish senses. However, many bait substances can be said to be very habit-forming and I include the essential amino acids and particular non-essential amino acids found in protein ingredients additives and liquids in this group too. I am amazed at how many anglers feel they lack confidence in a bait if it has no strong discernible flavours or smell. Think about it; carp can sense substances down to a few parts in a billion and it will be very hard for the average carp angler to incorporate any substance in their bait that has no smell, taste or aroma or effect some sort of subtle electrical impact or difference on carp senses when in water for that matter that they will detect the presence of!

Carp are such highly evolved creatures able to adapt sensitivity to substances, sense completely new substances in water, identify new food sources and monopolise them to their own benefit. You can condition and train carp just the same as dogs by repetition of positive rewards (using new and thus safer baits.) The carp bait substances you choose literally manipulate their behaviours as they influence which hormones production which forms of physical actions; for instance the filter feeding on dissolved bait substances, or movement towards baited areas following concentration gradients, or intensive competitive feeding and repeated bait consumption. Revealed in my unique readymade bait and homemade bait carp and catfish bait secrets ebooks is far more powerful information look up my unique website (Baitbigfish) and see my biography below for details of my ebooks deals right now!

By Tim Richardson.

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